
Organic growth

STAR7 has a clear-cut strategy for organic growth, based on three key elements:

  • geographical expansion, through increasing its market share in the Americas and Europe and entering high-growth emerging markets;
  • expansion of its presence in new end markets;
  • innovation, with a strong focus on new Experience solutions via virtual training, cloud services, AI and digital packaging.


External growth

STAR7’s strategy taps into the potential offered by M&A to accelerate the growth of its service offering. 
Acquisitions can also give greater impetus to international expansion and market penetration.



STAR7 is always seeking to achieve higher operating margins, optimising its cost base through carefully offshoring certain activities, integrating processes and constantly improving how it selects suppliers.
Margins are also expected to be boosted by organisational improvements resulting from utilising local resources and centralising the management of strategic activities.


The leadership team: incentivised to pursue strategic objectives

At a practical level, achieving growth objectives and operational efficiency is driven by linking management incentives to meeting Business Plan targets and share price performance.