Authoring technologies


Smart Content Services

PRISMA is software conceived, designed, and developed by the STAR Group for custom, multi-channel publication of product documentation integrated with artificial intelligence. PRISMA works intelligently, providing the information users need according to their level of experience and the context in which they are operating.

The advantages

Product and process information is available in all desired media and formats in a central information hub, regardless of the source system. This allows PRISMA to accelerate digitalization projects, automate routine tasks, and support workers in performing complex tasks that cannot be automated.

Focus: Smart Content Services for after-sales

Often, to find the right information for installation, maintenance, or diagnostics, technicians have to search through manuals or online portals. Routine tasks, such as time calculations, spare parts orders, and records of work carried out, as well as inspection and adjustments, must be recorded and then forwarded in order to update another service manual. All this has a significant impact on productivity and employee satisfaction in the after-sales division. PRISMA for after-sales facilitates and accelerates work processes involving complex products, because it provides workers with exactly the information they need based on their context and level of expertise.

Focus: Smart Content Services for compliance

PRISMA for compliance facilitates and accelerates work within regulated processes. It provides quick (understandable and legally sound) answers tailored to the individual user and the specific case. It accelerates digitalization projects in compliance processes, eliminates the need to search for information, and automates routine tasks. It also provides guidelines on modular and machine-interpretable content. This makes it possible to obtain a powerful, innovative basis for digitalization and for processes related to governance, risk, and compliance.

Want to know more?

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