Industry case
Aerospace & Defence
Integrated logistic support
Leading Italian company in the design and production of high-performance helicopters
To identify a reliable, proactive partner for the development of training material and information for maintenance technicians and pilots, and to provide support with simulator and live training
Creation of five technical working groups, each focusing on a specific area:
- Authoring of technical and training documentation for both civil and military helicopters based on the most advanced standards (S1000D, SCORM)
- Design, development, integration, and testing of 3D models for use in specific image generators and simulation platforms
- Management of all phases of planning, execution, evaluation, and certification of training activities
- Language support for training activities (translation and interpreting)
- Management of supply, setup, and delivery of training materials and student kits; management of item acquisition (also with high added value, e.g. tablets) and warehouse management.
- Management of complex product life cycle activities, with the opportunity to implement advanced technological solutions for the application of virtual and augmented reality in operational and maintenance training.
- A partner with a highlyscalable organizational structure able to build modular teams with ramp-up plans based on customer needs.
- Optimization of costs and supply chain management
- Operational flexibility and ability to adapt training strategies on complex products, according to the needs of the end user.
- Ability to use technical information flows generated through crossover between technical and training documentation.