Total experience. Much more than a trend for the future.

Merging prototyping software tools and reporting platforms. Sharing communication technologies and archives. Combining management verticality and horizontal collaboration. How? With Total Experience.

Smart working is here to stay

The future of millions of companies starts here. Even those who hoped it was just going to be a digital holiday away from the boardroom soon realised that, actually, 2020 was a rather chaotic and disorganised foretaste of things to come. And now it’s time to face these things. Interactions – all of them – have become more mobile, virtual, distributed, and access to documents, collaborators and customers, unhindered and in synchronous mode, has become a must. In order to communicate, exchange views and co-create, we need a new environment capable not only of facilitating any exchange, in any direction, but also of increasing its value. Total Experience is the solution that promises to do just that.

Total experience

Gartner, an influential watchdog for the business world has listed total experience (TX) as one of the “top strategic technology trends” for 2021, identifying it as a new approach that combines employee experience (EX) and customer experience (CX). In recent years, both of these have benefitted from what Gartner itself has termed multiexperience: the set of channels, technologies, processes, and touchpoints capable of expediting and optimising interactions. The next step is to build a bridge between multiexperiences that were hitherto different and separate, one internal and the other external to the company, to create an integrated solution that, properly implemented, will become every workflow’s transparent backdrop.

Total Experience

The pre-requisites of TX

Tangible and well-established business conditions are required to create a total experience. Of course, to start with, every level needs to already possess a solid foundation: management, internal and external collaborators, all with the appropriate skills and mindset. Moreover, workflow analysis is an essential step towards the integration of tools and technologies – it’s the backbone of this evolving scenario. Indeed, tools and technologies must be used to align internal divisions (Mktg, Sales, IT, etc.) in terms of communication and procedures, which is the final – but fundamental – prerequisite for defining that single, virtual, fluid, integrated environment to be shared externally with customers. The manner and timing of this integration remains an individual choice, though it is best accomplished at an early stage, in order to avoid more artificial standard customisations later on.

Competitive advantages

Just as building a total experience involves multi-level actions, the benefits in terms of competitive advantage spill over into many aspects of the business. TX becomes a driver of satisfaction and loyalty. It helps to simplify processes and avoid duplication. It is the prerequisite for the realisation of advanced co-creation opportunities. And, ultimately, it helps to increase the most valuable resources (after the people themselves): time and investment. According to the annual report published by PwC, a global player in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services, seamless multi-channel communication is the main source of customer satisfaction and, above all, customer loyalty.

STAR7 and TX

Moving towards the total experience strategy can really become the key factor that will make a difference in terms of competitive advantage. This is the path STAR7 set out on a few years ago, by integrating Virtual and Augmented Reality, 4D, CGI and VFX technologies within the services offered by its Experience line, and, more in general, by creating Integrale7, the unique and global approach that can be applied to any industrial project. Just like TX, Integrale⁷ means investing in a culture of expertise capable of embracing, governing and seamlessly developing every element that contributes to creating a whole: we build the content ecosystem, simplify the processes that will lead to the creation and management of product information and, where previously were mere insights in search of an overall vision, we now create integrated projects and strategies. And we achieve this by working alongside our clients, understanding their needs and providing responses that aim towards complete market results and global horizons.