Industry case
Media & Publishing

TV content localization


Sole concession holder of public radio and television services in Italy


To identify a single, proactive partner capable of handling various different translation and multilingual communication needs, both domestically and internationally (programs, scripts, contracts, procurement documents, etc.)


  • Support of a team specialized in managing AV translations, copywriting, and transcreation
  • Selection of exclusively mother-tongue translators who are experts in specific sectors and have terminology skills and in-depth knowledge of local markets


  • In-depth knowledge of customer expectations and ability to anticipate their requests
  • Experienced mother-tongue translators in sectors including audio-visual, marketing, legal, etc.
  • Optimization of costs, processes, and supplier management thanks to a single partner capable of managing complex projects
  • Management of any graphic design requirements

Service lines involved

Technologies involved

Language Technologies
Translation and localization
Language Technologies
Terminology management

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