Transit - Tool di traduzione e localizzazione
Language Technologies


Translation and localization

Transit is the most powerful and advanced translation tool on the market. It was created by STAR Group in the mid-1980s and is constantly being updated. It stands out because of its performance and the range and scope of functionalities for translations, localization, management of multimedia content and machine translations.

The advantages

The use of technology in translation memory is indispensable to the achievement of competitive outcomes. Verified existing translation results are retained and used for subsequent projects. This way, the translator can focus solely on entirely new material, while the rest of the work is done by the system. This reduces time-consuming efforts while increasing the quality and consistency of the text in the target language. Transit supports multiple file formats, so that it can import and exchange projects and data with other systems, thus ensuring, right away, that nothing previously done gets lost.

Want to know more?

Linda Spahija
Service Line Leader Global, STAR7 Global Content
Contact us

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