
1. Introduction

Access to the website https://www.star-7.com/ (and any sub-websites) and any action that involves navigating the website pages imply that the user fully accepts the Conditions of Use in force at the time of access and published on the website.
To communicate non-acceptance of the Conditions of Use, the user should abstain from navigating the website pages and not take advantage of the Service.
Users may be asked to explicitly accept the Conditions of Use. In that case, access to the Service, or part of it, will be conditional upon acceptance on the part of the user.


2. Updating

The service is subject to continuous updating. Therefore the Conditions of Use, which are accessible through the Terms link, can be updated by STAR7 S.p.A at any time without giving the user advance notice.
The user is encouraged to verify the date of the latest version of the downloaded Conditions of Use before accessing the Website Content or interacting with it. The latest update was made in January 2020.


3. Contractual conditions for specific services

Offers for certain goods and services may be subject to specific contractual terms and conditions which are published on the website.
In that case, the specific terms and conditions for the individual good or service offered prevail over the Conditions of Use, should these be in opposition.


4. User account

Users registered on the MyStar7 customer portal will be asked to provide personal information. The information supplied during the registration must be updated, corrected and declared truthful and users are held responsible for updating the information in a timely manner should there be variations.
Furthermore, Registered Users must keep their account credentials confidential and advise STAR7 S.p.A. immediately in the case of a security violation or unauthorized use of his/her account.
Registered Users are aware of and accept that they will be held solely responsible for activity that takes place through the account they have been assigned, with respect to both STAR7 S.p.A. and any third parties.


5. Limitations to use of the Service

The use of the Service is subject to the following limitations that the user is aware of and accepts.
Should the limitations listed below not be respected, this will be considered a violation of the Conditions of Use and will give STAR7 S.p.A. the right to unequivocally rescind the contract.

The user is prohibited from copying, reproducing, publishing, downloading, transcribing, transmitting or distributing in any way or form the content of the website without previously obtaining written authorization from STAR7 S.p.A. unless the user has explicit permission to print, download and visualize the website content exclusively for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes and under the condition that the material in question is not modified in any way and all of the information related to intellectual or industrial property rights be maintained where appropriate.

The user is prohibited from broadcasting the website content, in full or in part, through communication channels, including the internet, television, radio or any other means without having previously obtained written authorization from STAR7 S.p.A.

The user is prohibited from modifying the website or its contents.

The user is prohibited from violating, or attempting to violate, and/or circumventing the systems of protection and security adopted by the website.

The user is prohibited from using the website and its contents for commercial purposes, specifically inserting advertising, announcements, sponsorships, promotions or similar on any page of the website through announcements, photographs or films. The content may not be sold.
The user is prohibited from using the content for commercial purposes aimed at building a database of any type or to store (fully or in part) the content in existing databases whether exclusively accessible on the part of the builder or made available by third parties. Users are specifically prohibited from collecting the personal data of website or service users.


6. Intellectual and industrial property rights

All the website content is protected and safeguarded by regulations in force on copyright and industrial property rights.
Any extraction or use of material present on the website is prohibited without express authorization, including any activity that could damage the intellectual and industrial property rights of STAR7 S.p.A.
The website and its contents can be utilized exclusively for purposes of a personal, research or didactic nature, excluding direct or indirect commercial purposes, as long as the details for the owner of the intellectual property rights be mentioned and left intact and no changes to the content are made.

The website content includes but is not limited to:

Textual content, software, graphic elements, trademarks and logos, domain names, photographs, audio, music, video, audiovisual, functionalities, technical documentation, manuals and any other material that is visible and accessible through the website, therein including data banks, graphics, charts, slogans, animated or other drawings and any graphic and/or textual representation.
It is not permitted to copy and/or reproduce in full or in part the content of the website without express authorization by STAR7 S.p.A.
The trademarks, domain names, company names, offices and emblems present on the website are the exclusive property of STAR7 S.p.A. All are registered and protected by applicable regulations in force regarding intellectual property. The reproduction in any form or way is prohibited without express authorization by STAR7 S.p.A.
Furthermore, the website pages may contain trademarks, domain names, company names, offices and emblems of third parties with which STAR7 S.p.A. collaborates and which benefit from the same protection given to the distinctive emblems of STAR7 S.p.A by applicable regulations in force.


7. Material inserted by the user

The user is prohibited from inserting his/her own material on the website without the express authorization of STAR7 S.p.A.
The user assumes full responsibility for material inserted on the website, with or without authorization from STAR7 S.p.A. and duly accepts to indemnify and guarantee STAR7 S.p.A. from any possible adverse consequence deriving from the publication of said material and all of the loss, damage, costs, burdens and expenses, including any legal fees, that might be sustained by STAR7 S.p.A. as a consequence of the use of the material.
Additionally, STAR7 S.p.A. is authorized to remove any material published on the website at its discretion, without giving reasons.


8. Hypertext links to third-party websites

The website may contain hypertext links to third-party websites. These hypertext links have the sole function of facilitating user navigation, without there being any relationship between the website content and that of the third-party site reached.
STAR7 S.p.A. assumes no responsibility for the operation of the links, content, structure, accuracy or appropriateness of the material and/or the available information on third-party websites, nor accessibility of third-party websites linked to its own.
The user is aware of and accepts that at the point of accessing third-party websites via hypertext links, he/she leaves the website and the service and as a consequence, the present Conditions of Use cease to apply and instead the conditions of use specific to the third-party website as prepared by the third-party owner of the website apply.
Specifically, the user is aware that access to Third Party messaging and social networking websites through links connected to the website leads to the user applying the specific Conditions of Use prepared by the owners of these messaging and social networking websites.


9. “Framing”

Framing is prohibited. Framing allows pages of a website to appear on a specific page of another website, so that instead of the content of that page appearing in an independent window of the navigation browser, it shows up within a frame structured for this purpose.
In this regard, it should be noted that violation of the contents of this article is an action subject to prosecution, including for unfair competition, and is punishable according to the applicable regulations in force.


10. No warranty and limits of responsibility

All the content published on the website is provided with the simple purpose of offering general information. STAR7 S.p.A. does not provide any warranty related to its accuracy or completeness and it reserves the right to modify and update the content without advance notice. STAR7 S.p.A. is not to be held responsible for any damage, whether direct or indirect, including loss of profit deriving from the use or impossibility of use of the website or its content, or websites directly or indirectly linked to this, as well as omissions or errors.
Use of this website and its data is at the user’s risk. STAR7 S.p.A. does not assume any responsibility for damage, especially to the data, hardware and/or software of the user that may stem from such use.


11. Court having jurisdiction

All disputes that might arise due to interpretation, execution, application or validity of the present Conditions of Use are subject to Italian jurisdiction and will be the exclusive competency of the Court of Rome.
The user agrees to waive territorial jurisdiction and excludes the jurisdiction of courts allowed under law as an alternative to the conventional court.


12. Reference language and law

Italian law and the Italian language are the only ones considered valid for all the articles and clauses in the present Conditions of Use.
For any dispute that arises between these Conditions of Use and those published in Italian, the Italian version shall prevail.
For everything not expressly regulated by the present Conditions of Use, the regulations in force under Italian law will be exclusively applied insofar as applicable.